Board of Education
CVS Board Photo 2023

Chippewa Valley Schools Board of Education

The Board of Education is a seven-member legislative body elected by residents of the school district. Chippewa Valley Board members must develop policies and make tough decisions on complex educational and social issues which impact the entire community. They bear responsibility for an annual adopted expenditure budget, more than 14,800 students, over 1,700 employees and twenty-two buildings. The Board includes a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and three trustees. These positions are elected annually by the Board during their organizational meeting in January. See the Board Meeting Calendar for meeting dates and times.

Board of Education

Ron Roberts Jan 2011

Ronald Roberts







Kenneth Pearl

Kenneth Pearl







Denise Aquino

Vice President

Christopher Gura, Board of Ed memberChristopher Gura








George Sobah







Photo of board member Robert WojtowiczRobert Wojtowicz
