Cheyenne Elementary - Sunny Days and Bright Futures

Mission Statement

The mission of Cheyenne Elementary is to develop a community of learners by providing support and encouragement to meet the various needs of our children in a safe environment.

Vision Statement

Working Together to Build a Strong Community
Knowledge – Character – Leadership

Cheyenne Expectations

S tay Safe
U nderstand Responsibility
N eed to Respect Others & Their Property
S how Kindess

Cheyenne Pledge

I am a Cheyenne Sun...
I am safe, responsible, respectful and kind.
My days are sunny and my future is bright!

Sunny Days ... Bright Futures

Cheyenne Elementary School

47600 Heydenreich
Macomb, MI 48044

Office: 586-723-5000
FAX: 586-723-5001
Child Care: 586-723-5031
Attendance Line: 586-723-5099

Full Day: 8:55am - 3:39pm

Half Day: 8:55am - 11:50am


