Welcome to the Erie Elementary Media Center! 

Cheers to reading!!!!

It has been my pleasure to work in Chippewa Valley Schools since 2007.  I have been the Media Clerk at Erie Elementary since 2012.  A student recently asked me, "Mrs. Coan, do you like to read?"  I answered with a resounding "YES!"  Since the first chapter book I read in 3rd grade I have been hooked!  The book was, "Mandy" by Julie Andrews and was a Christmas gift from my Aunt.  The book is still on my bookshelf at home as evidence of the reading journey that I began and continue to be on.  If I were to line up all the books I have read since that 1970 Christmas, I bet they would circle the earth at least once! 

I was a regular patron at my public library when I was a young teen and teenager.  When I had the funds to purchase books I would.  Since the 80's, I have literally spent thousands of dollars on books.  Money that could have been spent on extravagant vacations.........but when I think of all the places books have taken me over the past 45 years, those are memories that a vacation could never give me.  I was in the covered wagon with Laura Ingalls Wilder as she and her pioneer family moved out to the prairie.  I fought alongside Revolutionary soldiers in 1776.  I was a young Sacajawea walking the trail to the Pacific with Lewis and Clark.  I was a young girl hiding in an attic with Anne Frank and her family during a dark period in history.  Some books have been "just for fun" books, while others have been mysteries. It doesn't matter what you read, or how fast you read, as long as you pick up a book and read!

Get lost in a book!

Mrs. Coan 

Do what makes your soul shine

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Lisa Coan

Erie Elementary
Media Clerk
Phone: 586-723-5420

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