Before any prescription or non prescription medication can be administered in school, a form needs to be filled out by the child's physician and parent (see link below).
All medication MUST be brought to the office by the child's parent/guardian. Please do not send any medication to school with your child.
All medication should be in the original bottle or container. Medication not in the original bottle/container cannot be administered. Containers should also be labeled with the child's name, medication, dose, and time. This also pertains to inhalers. The pharmacy label is usually on the box the inhaler comes in, and therefore the inhaler must be in their original box.
Information on the use and adverse effects of any medication given in school should be provided to the school by the parent, pharmacist or physician.
Parents must notify school personnel if their child has conditions such as allergies, diabetes, or asthma, so that proper precautions/training may be put into place.
Ensuring the children's safety and health is our primary concern
Request for Administration of Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication to Student
Medical Forms