For Parents

At Chippewa Valley Schools we believe that parent involvement is the key to a great education. Throughout the school year, parents attend meetings, conferences, building and extracurricular events.

To better communicate with our parents, we sponsor parent-teacher conferences in the fall and spring. These conferences provide an opportunity for parents to discuss their child's progress with our teaching staff. We also sponsor educational nights throughout the year designed to help with a variety of parenting issues and topics.

Click the following link to view additional helpful information for parents: Helpful Resources for Parents 

Click on the following link to view academic resources: Academic Resources

Click on the following link for athletic resources: Athletic Resources

Click on the following link for community education resources: Community Education


Parent Links

Click on the following link to access technology resources for home: CVS Technology at Home

Click on the following link to view food service information: Food Service

Click on the following link to view student health forms: Health Forms

Click on the following link to view Kindergarten kick-off information: Kindergarten Kick-Off

Click on the following link to view Kindergarten enrollment information: Kindergarten Registration

Click on the following link to access parent/student portal: Parent Portal

Click on the following link to access PaySchools Central: PaySchools Central

Click on the following link to access parenting resources: Promoting Positive Parenting

Click on the following link to view enrollment information: Registration

Click on the following link to view child care information: SACC

Click on the following link to view student handbooks: Student Handbooks

Upcoming Events

January 22
HS Exams, HS attends AM only, Elem & MS attend all day
HS Exams, HS attends AM only, Elem & MS attend all day
Date: Jan 22
Calendar: Ojibwa Calendar
January 23
HS Exams, HS attends AM only. Elem. & MS attend all day.
HS Exams, HS attends AM only. Elem. & MS attend all day.
Date: Jan 23
Calendar: Ojibwa Calendar
January 24
HS Exams, HS attends AM only. MS attends partial day, dismiss @ 11:12am. Elem. attends all day.
HS Exams, HS attends AM only. MS attends partial day, dismiss @ 11:12am. Elem. attends all day.
Date: Jan 24
Calendar: Ojibwa Calendar

End of 2nd quarter. End of first semester.