March is Reading Month

We have a very fun month planned with Ms. Paglia to have our school find adventure and treasures in a book while raising money for Ojibwa!

Total School Goal is $10,000 Raised and 125,000 minutes read. All money raised with our Read-A-Thon will go towards events for our families and support our staff at Ojibwa.

BONUS!  If we meet our goals of 125,000 minutes read AND 250+ students registered on FundHub with minutes tracked, Mr. K will walk the plank!

Incentive details and student reading goals can be found on the flyer. Check it out!

We Need All Parents to Complete 4 Easy Steps! 

  1. Register your Child by visiting, It's free, easy, and fast to register! For School Identifier use 5d78ee6dcbac5. Your child will receive a Reading Spirit Tag + Ojibwa water bottle sticker for registering. 
  2. Email and/ or text your child's student fundraising webpage to 10-15 friends and family members. It’s super easy! Post on Facebook. The average parent has 300 FB friends. You'll be surprised when donations come in from distant relatives/friends /co-workers. 
  3. Post and see what happens!
  4. Help your child track their reading minutes on their FundHub profile to go towards incentives! 

Student Fundraising Goals!

  • We need 100% student registration. Please visit today!
  • Each student is encouraged to raise $50.00, top tier is $150
  • NEW!  Family Fundraising Goal of $250 earns each of your students all of the individual prizes.

Student Reading Goals!

  • There are individual reading goals by each grade to earn a free ticket to a baseball game at Jimmy Johns Field  AND Michigan Panthers UFL game at Ford Field this summer with your Ojibwa classmates!
  • Upper EL and Lower EL treasure hunt for tracking total minutes read and the winning grade for each grade group will win a visit from the PTO Treat Trolley