180 Days in the School Year = 180 opportunities to make a difference!
We appreciate our families that take the time out of their schedules to help support our PTO programs and events for the betterment of our community! Our hope is that more families continue to be involved and help us do more programs together. Our PTO Board cannot do everything on our own and we need your support!
Current Volunteer Opportunities
- Spring Book Fair - Student Shopping (March 10-13th) - Sign Up Genius
- Spring Carnival Decorations - please email 30pto@cvs.k12.mi.us to find out how we could use your help for our event at the end of April!
Sign up to be the first to know about our PTO Volunteering opportunities by completing this form
You do not have to be a PTO Board member to take a more active role within the PTO! Areas where we can use help:
- Birthday Grams
- Walk for Funds
- Read A Thon
- Santa Shop
- Teacher Appreciation Week and Teacher Hoot Cart
- Spring Carnival