Holiday Breaks Begins December 20 at the end of the day. School Resumes January 2, 2025.
Dec 3 - Holiday Band Concert - 7 PM
Dec 6 - Chief of the Valley - 7 PM
Dec 10-11 - Holiday Shopping Nights - The Red Zone - 6-8 PM
Dec 11 - Choir Concert - 7 PM
Dec 16-20 - Chippmas Spirit Week
Dec 20 - Half Day
Winter Break
Jan 2 - Classes Resume
Announcements – Monday, December 2
Congratulations to the Marching Band who performed at the Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit. Great job!
Attention Juniors and Seniors – If you are interested in joining the military, please sign up for the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test that will be given here at Chippewa on December 5th - 1st and 2nd hours in lab 227. Sign up is now available now in the counseling office. If you have questions, please see your counselor.
Salt and Light will meet after school tomorrow in room 124.
For the month of December, let's remember the little things, that are really big things - being kind, saying please and thank you, throwing your trash away, just doing your best, and when there are struggles, learn from them.