
Announcements – Friday, March 21

Student night for the Spring Play, The Curious Savage, is Thursday, April 3rd at 6:00pm. $5.00 student tickets will be on sale in the 10/12 building cafeteria during lunch every day the week we return from break. For 9th grade students, student night $5.00 tickets will be available at the door on student night at 5:00pm. Bring a student ID to secure your student night tickets! Come see this hilarious show, support your friends, and have some laughs along the way!

FOR JUNIORS ONLY- to accommodate the bus transportation needs of students during the Spring Testing Days, it is important for juniors to fill out THIS FORM.  Please use this form to indicate if you require bus transportation on the days of testing.  If you are not sure, please indicate that you will require the transportation. This form is due by April 2nd. 

The lost and found table will be emptied at the end of the school day today.

Winners for the 3rd week of March’s reading month are: Amir Lake, Ava Sobh, MyKenzi Harris, Lily Williams and Anthony Scardina.  Please stop by the media center to get your free drink coupon!


Now is a good time to practice for the SAT, especially if you are a junior because you'll be taking it on April 9. Use Bluebook, Khan Academy, or SchoolAI for practice questions.

The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month.  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online from March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. To purchase an online book fair item:  go to and include the book fair ID number at check out:12856365

Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Thursday, March 20

The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month.  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online from March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. To purchase an online book fair item:  go to and include the book fair ID number at check out:12856365

Attention Senior Parents:

On Saturday, February 15th, music students from CVHS performed at the MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble Festival held at Warren Cousino HS.  Students had to earn a 1st Division Rating at District S&E Festival to qualify to perform.  Students were awarded ratings for their performance from 1st Division through 5th Division.  CV had 10 events perform, with 8 events receiving a 1st Division Rating, and 2 events receiving a 2nd Division Rating.   Students receiving at least one 1st Division rating: Jordan Bruwier, Yujin Chang, Lila Chesher, Elizabeth DeLage, Ethan Fustin, Dalveer Grewal, Auden Harriman, Willie Julian, Timothy Tobia, Alexis Williams, Evan ZiBerna.  Students receiving at least one 2nd Division rating: Carson Sherer, Callie Zito. Congratulations to all our students who performed!

The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month.  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online from March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. To purchase an online book fair item:  go to and include the book fair ID number at check out:12856365

Attention Senior Parents:

There will be a Senior All Night Party meeting on Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 in the media center.  We need all the help we can get!  Please consider joining us. Our event is just over 2 months away!

Announcements – Monday, March 17

Congratulations to our Science Olympiad team Zac Neeman, Griffin Murphy, Zach Kraemer, Max and Parker Winkler, Jessica and Jacob Davis, Laura Brown, Carson Sherer, Abrielle Sarnacki, Alivya Alley, Logan Gridley, and Jeffrey Sherbutte, for finishing 5th in regionals this past Saturday, advancing us to States at MSU in April.

Macomb County awards for high school bowling were announced over the weekend. Congratulations to Ella Bist for making the All-County team. 

Salt and Light will meet tomorrow after school in room 124. Now is a good time to practice for the SAT, especially if you are a junior because you'll be taking it on April 9. Use Bluebook, Khan Academy, or SchoolAI for practice questions. 

Reminders:   The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month.  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online from March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. To purchase an online book fair item:  go to and include the book fair ID number at check out:12856365  

Attention Senior Parents:If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Friday, March 14 

Winners for the 2nd week of March’s reading month are:  Adam Akabli, Abby Brock, Jocelyn Gonzalez, Mia Livi and Liliana Verberren.  Please go to the media center to get your free drink coupon. (And remember the online book fair) 

The Talent Show is tonight at 6 pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible seniors who attend.

Now is the time to order your yearbook before the next price increase on March 15th. You can place your orders online at Use code CV25 to save $5 off your purchase. 

Today’s college visit is from University of Detroit Mercy.  Stop by their information table in the cafeteria during all lunches. 

Yesterday we had a lockdown drill to practice. I want to take this opportunity to provide some safety reminders. First, if a lockdown message goes off when you are not in your classroom, you need to stay in the room you are in, or enter the first room available, as quickly as you can. Next, remember that you must never let anyone into our building through any door. During our school day all guests and students must enter through the A Doors or the E Doors. Do not let anyone in through the B, C, D, F, or any other doors.

Reminders:   The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month.  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online during the week of March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. Give the gift of a book in March! (To purchase an online book fair item:  go to and include the book fair ID number at check out:12856365)  

Attention Senior Parents:If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Thursday, March 13

Are you unsure if your relationship is a healthy one? Do you want to help someone who is in an unhealthy relationship? Do you know the red flags to look for in unhealthy relationships? A representative from Turning Point will be here during lunch hours in the cafeteria TODAY with resources and information. Turning Point helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.  Even if you don't need help now, stop by the table to get some good resources that you can share with someone who needs it someday.


Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

The Media Center has set up an online Book Fair to celebrate March is Reading Month!  Purchase anything from Barnes and Noble online during the week of March 17-26 and a portion of the sale will go back to our media centers.  Vouchers with the Book fair ID number are available in the media centers at Main and CV9, and also on our Schoology page. Give the gift of a book in March! 

If you won an award at Big Red Oscars on Friday, the photoshoot will be held in the auditorium this morning. You should have received a memo with a QR code. The QR code has the report times listed for each award. The times are also posted on the Senior class website.

This Friday, March 14th, we are looking forward to The Talent Show which will be held at 6pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible Seniors who attend.

Now is the time to order your yearbook before the next price increase on March 15th. You can place your orders online at Use code CV25 to save $5 off your purchase.


Attention Senior Parents:  If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

 Announcements – Tuesday, March 11

 For March is Reading Month, the media center is giving a raffle ticket for a free coffee for every book check out. They've got a great selection of fiction and nonfiction. Many new books. Check one out.

 If you won an award at Big Red Oscars on Friday, the photoshoot will be held in the auditorium this morning. You should have received a memo with a QR code. The QR code has the report times listed for each award. The times are also posted on the Senior class website. 

This Friday, March 14th, we are looking forward to The Talent Show which will be held at 6pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible Seniors who attend. 

Now is the time to order your yearbook before the next price increase on March 15th. You can place your orders online at Use code CV25 to save $5 off your purchase. 

There is a French SHF meeting today after school.  All members and potential members should plan on being there.  If you have try-outs right after school, please just stop by and let Ms Bourgeois know. 

Salt and Light will meet today after school in room 124. 

There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting tomorrow at 6:30am in room 227. 

Reminders:   Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up! We appreciate your support! Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags! Thank you!

Announcements – Monday, March 10

Congratulations to Ms. Moore who has been named Outstanding High School Teacher of the Year for Chippewa Valley Schools. All Spring Sports start today.   You must have a Participation Card to try out and you must have a physical on file for this year in order to get a Participation Card. Try-out times for each team are below: Baseball: 

  • Freshmen: 2:20 NGC Gym
  • JV: 6:30 Main Gym
  • Varsity: 6:30 Main Gym

Boys Golf: Meet in Coach Smith classroom 260...2:20-4:00
Boys Lacrosse: 5:00 NGC Field
Girls Lacrosse: 2:20 AUX Gym

Girls Soccer: 

  • Varsity 2:20 Stadium Field 
  • JV 4:00 Stadium

Softball: ALL LEVELS 4:30 Main Gym
Girls Tennis: 2:20 on the tennis courts
Track & Field: 2:20 Main Gym
Boys Volleyball: 4:30 NGC 

We had a great Big Red Oscars event last Friday and now this Friday, March 14th, we are looking forward to The Talent Show which will be held at 6pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible Seniors who attend.  Hope to see you there! 

Have you purchased your yearbook yet? Now is the time to get your orders in before the next price increase on March 15th. You can place your orders online at Use code CV25 to save $5 off your purchase. 

There is a French SHF meeting tomorrow after school.  All members and potential members should plan on being there.  If you have try-outs right after school, please just stop by and let Ms Bourgeois know. There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting on Wednesday at 6:30am in room 227. 

Remember not to vape. And not to throw vape cartridges in toilets. Keep all trash out of your body, out of toilets, out of sinks, and off the floor. Take good care of yourself and our school. 

Reminders:  Juniors and Seniors, participate in a 5-10 minute survey for a Tufts and Syracuse University research project focused on understanding how students make decisions about their future fields of study, and earn a $7 gift card. You can access the survey by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or through the following link:

(For parents who would like to learn more about the survey or opt their child out, there is additional information available via the following link:

If you have any questions, reach out to 

Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Friday, March 7

Winners for the 1st week of March’s reading month are Hana Sojkic, Caleb Dudley, Anna Egeler, and Dymond YorkViolet Chabot. Please come down to the media center to get your free drink coupon.

Today is the last day to apply for the 2025 CVHS Community Scholarship.  The application process will close at 3:00pm.  Please check out the Counseling website for the 2025 Scholarship Selection list to see what scholarships are available and click on the link or QR code to apply.

Writer’s Club will meet today after school.

Come to Big Red Oscars tonight at 7 PM. It's free admission and black tie formal. Those nominated for an award need to be there by 6:45 in order to receive an award.

Today’s college visit is from Oakland University.  Stop by their information table in the cafeteria during lunches today.

ALL Spring Sports start on Monday, March 10.   You must have a Participation Card to try out and you must have a physical on file for this year in order to get a Participation Card. Try-out times for each team are below:


  • Freshmen: 2:20 NGC Gym
  • JV: 6:30 Main Gym
  • Varsity: 6:30 Main Gym

Boys Golf: Meet in Coach Smith classroom 260...2:20-4:00

Boys Lacrosse: 5:00 NGC Field

Girls Lacrosse: 2:20 AUX Gym

Girls Soccer: 

  • Varsity 2:20 Stadium Field 
  • JV 4:00 Stadium

Softball: ALL LEVELS 4:30 Main Gym

Girls Tennis: 2:20 on the tennis courts

Track & Field: 2:20 Main Gym

Boys Volleyball: 4:30 NGC

The stadium remains locked due to the cold temperatures which have caused the irrigation pipes to push the turf up. No one should be on the field today or this weekend or until the stadium is unlocked.

One of the worst things you can do for your health is to vape. And in addition to putting toxins into your body, when you throw used cartridges into the toilet, you cause huge plumbing issues, which usually require us to shut down bathrooms, and cause all kinds of disruption for your fellow students and our school. So, one, don't vape. And two, don't throw used vape, or anything else, into our toilets. On behalf of 2000 of your fellow classmates, thank you.


The Talent Show will be held March 14th at 6pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible Seniors who attend.  Hope to see you there!

Juniors and Seniors, participate in a 5-10 minute survey for a Tufts and Syracuse University research project focused on understanding how students make decisions about their future fields of study, and earn a $7 gift card. You can access the survey by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or through the following link:

(For parents who would like to learn more about the survey or opt their child out, there is additional information available via the following link: If you have any questions, reach out to

Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Thursday, March 6

There is a main building CTC meeting today during lunches in the media center tech room.

(For parents who would like to learn more about the survey or opt their child out, there is additional information available via the following link: If you have any questions, reach out to

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

SENIORS:  This is the last week to apply for the 2025 CVHS Community Scholarship.  The application process will close at 3:00pm on Friday, March 7th.  Please check out the Counseling website for the 2025 Scholarship Selection list to see what scholarships are available and click on the link or QR code to apply.

There will be an informational baseball meeting this evening at 7:30pm in the cafeteria. All those who plan on trying out should attend.

There will be a main building CTC meeting tomorrow during lunches in the media center tech room.

Writer’s Club will meet on Friday after school.

Big Red Oscars are this Friday at 7pm. The doors open at 6:30. Admission is free.

The Talent Show will be held March 14th at 6pm in the auditorium. Tickets are $6 and must be purchased online. QR codes are posted throughout the building and on Mr. Distelrath's Schoology page. There will be a giveaway of 2 prom tickets at the end of the show to eligible Seniors who attend.  Hope to see you there!

Juniors and Seniors, participate in a 5-10 minute survey for a Tufts and Syracuse University research project focused on understanding how students make decisions about their future fields of study, and earn a $7 gift card. You can access the survey by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or through the following link:

(For parents who would like to learn more about the survey or opt their child out, there is additional information available via the following link: If you have any questions, reach out to

Today’s college visit is from Western Michigan University.  Stop by their information table in the cafeteria during lunches today.

Attention Senior Parents:

If you would like to shop for prizes to donate for the Senior All Night Party, we have an Amazon Wishlist set up!  We appreciate your support!  Items purchased will be sent to the school and stored until we create the prize bags!  Thank you!

Announcements – Tuesday, March 4

Did you know that educators in Santa Rosa, California, first celebrated Women's History Week in March 1978 to increase awareness of women's contributions to society. Organizers selected a week in early March to correspond with International Women's Day on March 8. What is your favorite piece of women's history? Let me know and I'll share it on announcements.

(For parents who would like to learn more about the survey or opt their child out, there is additional information available via the following link: If you have any questions, reach out to

Announcements – Monday, March 3

 March is Women's History Month and Reading Month. I invite everyone to email or message me with your favorite Women's History moments, people, or quotes, and also your favorite books, authors, or genres. 

Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team for a thrilling come from behind win in the final seconds. The 53-52 win over Ford propels the Big Reds to the Regionals where they will take on L'Anse Creuse North at 7 pm at Troy High School tomorrow night. Please come out and support your Big Reds. 

SENIORS – Please check out the Counseling website for the 2025 CVHS Community Scholarship Selection list to see what scholarships are available.  Click on the link or QR code to apply. 

Spring sports for ALL Spring sports start on Monday, March 10th.  Participation cards can be picked up in the Athletic Office starting today. 

Reminders:  Any students with textbooks from first semester can return them to room 132 at any time.  Avoid being charged a fine by turning in your novels from first semester.    

Senior All Night Party tickets are on sale now on PaySchools Events. Seniors don't miss out on your 2025 Senior All Night Party! Date: Friday, May 23rd 9pm-3am. Click here:

The Class of 2025 Senior All Night Party Planning Committee is offering Class of 2025 Senior Lawn Signs as a fundraiser to support this year’s Senior All Night Party. These signs are a great way for families to celebrate their graduates and show their Big Reds pride! Payments are all done via PaySchools Events: See the flyer for more details: Senior Lawn Sign Fundraiser Flyer with QR Code.pdf