Coalition Teen Council 
By-Laws, Expectations, Requirements, 
Executive Board Descriptions

Mission: The Coalition Teen Council was launched in the fall of 2008 to promote positive values within the school and surrounding community and to help the Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families (CVCYF) in their goal. The CVCYF mission is: “Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families joins School, Family, and Community in a partnership to promote healthy, resilient, and drug-free youth and to prevent youth suicide.”   Coalition Teen Council carries out this task by educating individuals about substances (drugs/alcohol/vape), mental health, and suicide prevention within the school and community. CTC provides a peer’s perspective and what is currently happening around them. 

 By applying to CTC, members agree to pledge the following: 

  • I pledge to maintain a high level of respect and integrity as a student representing Chippewa Valley Coalition Teen Council and the Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families. I acknowledge I am a role model for my peers and will uphold the Code of Conduct in letter and spirit to help our school’s culture be positive and advance authentic learning. I will be aware that every small act has the potential for a significant impact.  As a Coalition Teen Council member, I present a strong voice against the use of any substances including alcohol, vape, marijuana and other drugs in our school and community. I will remain drug free.  I will not be involved in drama, disrespect others, lie, cheat, or break the code of conduct.   
  • I understand that I will be asked to step down from this group if: I am in trouble with the school, legal system, my coach, or parent for alcohol, vaping, drug use, fighting or violence, if  I am involved in behavior that is illegal or in serious violation of the student code of conduct, if  I am found to be using a social media platform to display alcohol, vape or drug use (either my own or people I am associated with), or if I fail to meet the expectations or requirements as outlined.  


  • Attend Monthly Lunch Meetings:   
    • Must attend all lunch meetings (one or two per month) unless excused or absent from school that day. You are allowed 3 unexcused meetings for the school year. If you miss more than 3 meetings, this could affect your position on the coalition. You bring your lunch to the meeting. 
  • Attend one Full Coalition Meetings:  
    • Must attend at least 1 full coalition meeting for the year either online or at the board office (by April of the current school year). One meeting is offered each month, and they run from 3:30-4:30 PM. If you attend online, you can have your camera off and mute your microphone. Type your full name in the chat followed by CVHS. 
    • If you are planning on earning graduation cords, you must complete 2 of these full coalition meetings during the year, in addition to all other requirements. 
  • Complete/Participate in 3 Events:  
    • Must attend/participate in at least 3 events for the year. At least 1 event will need to be completed prior to the winter holiday celebration in December of the current year. Failure to complete one event by December of the current year can result in removal from CTC. 
  • Attend one summer “camp” day (3 hours): 
    • Each CTC member is expected to attend at least 1 day of camp but is highly encouraged to attend all three. Leaving early or coming late will not count as a completed camp day. The purpose of the camp is to go over expectations, requirements, provide valuable information, meet other people in the coalition, increase education, and start some of the activities for the year. 

Every member is required to have at least one CTC T-shirt to wear to events. If a member is unable to afford a t-shirt, the coalition will provide a shirt.   


Students can join CTC any time in the year. Anyone who is committed to making healthy choices and has the time to participate in CTC activities can apply. Often, group members are recruited by CTC moderator or recommended by other CTC members, teachers, and counselors in the spring for the coming school year. If they show interest in the group and support our cause, they are welcome to complete an online application. If students have had past behavior issues, they can apply one year after the date of their last offense. Teacher recommendations will be a factor. 


It is expected that each member will be actively involved, have a positive attitude, be supportive, not participate in drama, be a role model, and refrain from using drugs, alcohol, or vaping. They must remain in good standing to remain in the club. They need to follow the code of conduct which includes the dress code, proper social media posts, being friendly to everyone, and positively represent the school and community.  This is more than just a club: it is a coalition and requires dedication, commitment, and participation.     It is important that members attend the events that they sign up for from start to finish. Coming late or leaving early may result in the event not counting as a “completed” event. In addition, cancellations with less than 48 business hours to events may affect your standing in the club. “No Shows” may result in a probationary period, being prevented from signing up from some future events, or not being able to stay on as a member of the club. 

Failing to uphold the standards of the group:  

If a member fails to act in a professional manner, violates the code of conduct, has questionable decision making, and/or poor attendance the member may be removed from the group or have restricted participation until the concerns are no longer an issue. As a role model and a representative of both Chippewa Valley High School and the Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families, it is expected that members are courteous, polite, non-judgmental, respectful, and responsible. This responsibility includes getting to class on time, refraining from all substance use (drugs/alcohol/vape/other), having proper language, dressing appropriately, having clean social media posts, being present in class (not skipping classes), not participating in negative drama/rumors, and not violating the student code of conduct. 


Within CTC, Executive Board members are members who volunteer to devote extra time in leading the group. In addition to our monthly CTC meetings, the Executive Board members meet with the CTC moderator in his/her office once or twice per month (can be scheduled during advisory, before, or after school). Additional meetings may be necessary to prepare for upcoming events or as other concerns arise. These meetings may be in person or online.  For Executive Board meetings, it is expected the members will be on time, stay for full meetings, and will have reliable transportation. Executive Board members are allowed 2 unexcused meetings. Executive Board members must be able to attend most Executive Board meetings in order to stay on the Executive Board. The following positions are part of the Executive Board. 

President/Co-Presidents: Works closely with the moderator of the Coalition Teen Council to run meetings, create the agendas, and topics of discussion. May have to attend extra meetings to have representation of E-Board at all CTC meetings and/or for planning purposes. This member must have served at least 1 year on the Executive Board the previous year and on CTC for a total of at least 2 years. (Most often a Senior student, but could be a junior student with supervision) 

Vice President/Co-Vice Presidents: Works closely with the moderator and President to develop criteria for groups, running meetings, and planning of events. May have to attend extra meetings for planning purposes. Will be responsible for duties when the presidents are absent.  This member must have served at least 1 year on the Executive Board the previous year and at least 2 years as a CTC member. (Junior or Senior)

Secretary/Secretaries: Takes and types notes at all E-Board meetings and makes them available to all members. These meeting minutes must be completed within 1 week of the meeting. The secretary will send the meeting minutes to all Executive Board members that were absent from the meeting. The secretary will be responsible for keeping track of attendance at both E-Board meetings and general membership meetings. They may be required to attend extra meetings (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior) 

Social Media Coordinators: Will assist in updating the website and social media platforms for messages and events. The role of this position is to keep peers up to date on current trends, past events, and upcoming events. This position is responsible for posting to Instagram, TikTok and Big Red Pick-Me-Ups. This person will try to post something once per week. This position will post about all lunchroom tables, events, and educational materials related to the coalition. (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior student). 

Social Activities Planner(s): Arranges social activities for members to participate in. This person’s role is to demonstrate the ability to have fun in a safe and drug-free way. This position is responsible for the ice breakers at lunch meetings, outside social activities, holidays, and the end-of-the-year celebration in addition to other fun events. This individual(s) also creates flyers for each social event.  (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior student).  

Photojournalist: Attends as many events as possible to record the history of the Coalition Teen Council. May be responsible for creating various videos to demonstrate CTC events, impact, and recruitment. May provide social media coordinators with materials for social media posts.  All pictures, videos, and other media’s recordings are to be uploaded to the CTC one drive within 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks).  The person in this position will use their own camera/phone for picture taking. (Sophomore, Junior, or Senior student).

General E-board Members: Assist in developing topics for CTC meetings, assist in planning events, and coordinating efforts to spread information about CTC. At least one E-Board member is expected to represent CTC at each event, so these students take turns.  All E-Board members will take turns assisting with all lunchroom tables if needed.  At least 1 E-Board member will attend all events. E-Board members will also step up when other members have not volunteered for events.  The moderator has the option to add one or two freshmen to Executive Board after the first semester if there is a need.  If there is not enough interest in particular E-Board positions, the moderator has the option of having an E-Board without assigned positions.

Requirements for E-board members beyond general CTC requirements:

Must attend all e-board meetings. You are allowed 2 unexcused meetings for the school year. If you miss more than 2 meetings, this could affect your position on the e-board. E-board meetings will be held 1-2 times per month. These will be scheduled meetings, and you will know ahead of time. An E-Board member must meet all the criteria for CTC membership in addition to their E-Board criteria. President, Vice-President will be held by members with at least 2 years’ experience participating in CTC and a minimum of one year of E-Board experience. Social Activities Planner(s), Photojournalist, Secretary, and Social Media Coordinators will be held by members with at least 1 year of CTC experience. 

The President and Vice President are chosen from the Executive Board with final determination made by the moderators. They are members who have demonstrated great commitment to the group.  

 The President and Vice President and the Executive Board members also play a significant role in leading the group discussions and activities during regular CTC meetings. Lunch meetings can also be led by any E-Board member. Additionally, they spend time addressing the needs of the CTC (concerns from members, developing goals and activities for the group). 

It is the expectation that a member will complete their tasks without reminders. If a person is unable to work independently and complete tasks as assigned, they may be removed from their position on the E-Board.  

If it is determined that an E-Board member is not committed, misses meetings, unable to perform their required duties within the outlined time limits, and/or unable to work with others in the best interest of the coalition, that E-Board member may be put on probation, demoted, or may lose their standing as an E-Board member.