World Geography
Basic information and statistics about countries from around the world. |
Countries of the world, schools, games for the countries |
Select a region of the world and then discover many interesting facts about the countries in that region. |
Statistical data base created by the U.S. Census Bureau data bank containing statistical tables of demographic, and socio-economic data for 227 countries and areas of the world. |
Travel site about countries. Select World Geography to access info. |
Selective links providing authoritative, in-depth information about the nations and other areas of the world. Library of Congress resource. |
Site includes links to the many countries included in the Visual Geography series of books. |
Travel and tourist information for countries and various cities. |
Understand the role and effects of human population on the world. |
Test geography skills through an interactive game. |
Introduction to geography through landscapes, climate, weather, and physical environment. |
Learn about each province within Canada. |
General information about the Caribbean. |
Country facts, the economy, culture, education, environment, government, and life styles information for the different countries in the Caribbean. |
South America
Detailed maps of Costa Rica including features not found in other sources. |
Travel information for South American Countries. Includes travel plans as well as information about sites to visit. |