The Seneca Middle School National Jr. Honor Society
About NJHS: The Seneca NJHS is founded on the principles of the National organization: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, Character and Citizenship. 7th Grade Students are invited to apply for membership during the 3rd quarter. Students are first identified by their cumulative GPA, a minimum of 3.8 and given the opportunity to apply for membership. Once accepted, a formal induction ceremony is held to welcome new members. Click here to view our chapter bylaws.
Membership Commitment: The Seneca National Jr. Honor society members must maintain their high GPA, participate in one school sponsored service project, obtain a minimum of 15 individual service hours, and attend all meetings, to remain a member in good standings. In addition, all members are expected to demonstrate the 5 principles of the National Honor Society; scholarship, leadership, character, service and citizenship.
Selection Process: The student must fill out the application (on their own) and turn it in on time. late applications are not accepted. Once the application has been reviewed, all staff (including office, lunch room, and custodial staff) are asked to make recommendations. The staff is directed to only recommend students who exhibit excellent citizenship and leadership at all times. The students are expected to be positive, respectful, mindful of expectations, turn in work on time, be thorough, and honest. A 5-member faculty advisory committee (not including advisors) review each application as well as staff recommendations. New members are selected by a majority vote by the committee. After committee vote, selection status may not be refuted.
Service Hours: Each member is expected to obtain 15 volunteer hours on their own. They may help a neighbor, assist in church, help a teacher after school, or babysit. There may also be opportunities at school such as Jaguar Days and Conferences. A minimum of 5 hours per quarter (for the first 3 quarters) are required. The students who have accumulated the most hours are selected for special honors and duties toward the end of the year. Students may start earning hours right away. Print a service log form
Officer Selection: A President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer will be elected at our first meeting. Members who are interested can download an application