Money Matters

Certificates of Liability Insurance
Any vendor that will be on CVS property using interactive equipment, inflatables, etc. for any events require a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI) to be on file at the Business office prior to the event taking place (i.e., bounce houses, inflatable obstacle courses/slides, mechanical bulls, face painting, balloon artists, petty zoos, etc.).

Having a problem filling out a PDF form while using Google Chrome?  Change these settings to help!

  1. On your computer, open Google Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click Settings.
  3. At the bottom, click Advanced settings.
  4. Under "Privacy & Security" click Content settings.
  5. Open PDF and slide the bar to on.

Athletic Official Payment Request Fillable 

Authorization to Pay Casual Workers  UPDATED

Building Use Form (Auditorium)

Building Use Form  Fillable (School Facilities/Grounds)

Camp/Clinic/Leagues Approval Packet

Cash Box Tracking Form Fillable 

Check Request Form  Fillable

Classroom Purchase Request Form Fillable (NEW as of 7-13-2023)

This form is to be filled out before the purchase of an item(s) to determine if PTO funds can be used to pay for the approved purchase(s).

Coin Collection Weekly Cumulative Classroom Tracking Sheet 

Deposit Payment Log Fillable

Emergency Cash Withdraw  Fillable

Employee Reimbursement Request Fillable

Hold Harmless Agreement (Building/Grounds Use)

Internal Account Transfer Request (Updated) 

Mileage Reimbursement(2025)

(Please attach a Mapquest map for out of district travel)

Payment Collection Form Fillable

Collecting payments for school related fees starts with completing a Payment Collection Form (PCF). Use of this form is mandatory for any type of payment collection or fundraiser that takes place on behalf of all schools, teams, and clubs. The District expectation is that all payments are collected electronically. Please contact Charlene Staniec via email ( if you have questions regarding the process.  

PaySchools Events - New Event Setup Form Fillable (updated 7/31/2023)

Raffle License Application

Raffle Financial Statement

Raffle Ticket Accountability  (State required when using pre-printed tickets or booklets) 

Sales Tax Remittance Request Form

Tamper Evident Bag Tracking Sheet 

Ticket Reconciliation  Fillable

Vendor Application Fillable

W-9 Form

Winner's Information Form Fillable
Must be completed when winnings are $600 or more by one individual in a single or multiple winnings. Submit copy to CVS Business office.


GoFan Online Ticket Sales Guidelines (NEW 8/2022) - Chippewa Valley Schools is excited to announce that we are moving to GoFan for all our sports ticketing purchases starting fall of 2022.  All ticket sales will be online.

Athletic Tournament & Invitational Guidelines 

Cash Box Guidelines 

Coin Collection Fundraiser Guidelines 

Funding Class Accounts

Fundraising Guidelines (Updated 10-11-2024)

Itemized Receipt / Invoice Reference 

Payment Handling Guidelines (Updated 10-11-2024)

P Card Information

     New P-card User Login Manual

     How to Process and Run Monthly Expense Reports  

Purchase Order/P-Card/Employee Reimbursement

Record Retention

Sales Tax General Rules  (Chart)

State of Michigan Sales Tax Guidelines (Food Consumption)

Student Activity Account Guidelines (Updated 10-11-2024)

Summer Deposits and Check Requests for CVHS

Summer Deposits and Check Requests for DHS

Volunteer Guidelines

PaySchools Central 

PaySchools Events - New Event Setup Form Fillable (7/31/2023) 

(PaySchools Events is an online payment system for Chippewa Valley Schools fundraiser events that may need registration not tied to a student. This system can be used for Charity Golf events, Banner or Ad Sponsorships, Walk-a-thon Fundraisers and many more. Fill out the PaySchools Events New Event Setup Form and follow the instructions on the last page.  Once your form is received it will be reviewed and the process to setup your event will begin)

PaySchools FAQ 

For more information regarding which PaySchools system will work best for you.

Charitable Gaming Raffle Guidelines  

Raffle Documentation and Instructions

Raffle Financial Statement

Raffle License Application

Raffle Ticket Accountability Form (State Required)

Small or Large Raffle License? How to decide...         

State of Michigan Charitable Gaming Website

Winner's Information Form Fillable 
Must be completed when winnings are $600 or more by one individual in a single or multiple winnings. Submit copy to CVS Business office.

Questions regarding the Money Matters website, please contact Laurie Stevenson at

Questions regarding PaySchools Central, PaySchools Events, and Square contact Charlene Staniec at .

Questions regarding Purchasing contact Lillian Grayson at .